Independent Meditation Center Guide

"To experience emptiness is to experience the shocking absence of what normally determines the sense of who you are and the kind of reality you inhabit."
Stephen Batchelor, Buddhism Without Beliefs.

Forest Refuge - Insight Meditation Society
1230 Pleasant Street
Barre,  Massachusetts  
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 978 355-2063 ext. 10
Center's Description
Surrounded by the stillness and seclusion of nature, the Forest Refuge offers experienced vipassana meditators the support most conducive to personal retreat. In consultation with visiting vipassana teachers, a program of training in mindfulness and concentration practices is created for each retreatant, designed to nurture the highest aspiration for liberation and to encourage the continuing unfolding of the dharma.

In contrast to IMS Retreat Center courses, practice at the Forest Refuge is more independent, less structured and can range from one-week stays to periods of a year or more. Its calm and peaceful atmosphere, together with its unique balance of solitude and community, can help meditators settle effortlessly into greater depths of practice.

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