Independent Meditation Center Guide

"...when your practice is calm and ordinary, everyday life itself is enlightenment."
Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind.

Dechen Rang Dharma Center
15456 Chelsea Dr.
San Jose,  California   95124
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Tibetan Nyingma
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 408-896-2879 or 510-932-1777
Center's Description
Dechen Rang Dharma Center was founded in San Jose, California in 2004, by the Venerable Lama Drimed Lodro. Lama Drimed received rigorous training under the instruction of his root guru H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche in the renowned Sertha Larung Five Sciences Buddhist Academy for 14 years, and completed Khenpo's degree of education and practice. He traveled around China to give teachings at the request of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche for his fluency in both Tibetan and Mandarin. He also served as the major translator during certain teachings and empowerment of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and H.H. Penor Rinpoche. Lama Drimed came to the States in 2003 at the request of his uncle -- the Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche, with intention to propagate Buddha Dharma and benefit beings in the West. Lama Drimed started out his mission by giving dharma teachings and leading practices at Gyatrul Rinpoche's San Francisco Bay Area dharma center Orgyen Dorje Den. He is now the residential lama of Orgyen Dorje Den.

The Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche is a recognized tulku of the founder of Nyingmapa Palyul Lineage - Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab. He spent many years in retreat with some of Tibet's greatest lamas and has proven himself a fully qualified and realized teacher of Vajrayana Buddhism. Rinpoche came to the States in 1972 at the request of H.H. Dalai Lama and in 1976 was appointed the spiritual representation of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and the Director of Pacific Region Yeshe Nyingpo Dharma Center. Rinpoche has established many Dharma centers and erected several Buddha statues in the west coast. His disciples, American and non-American, increased inconceivably over the years, overcame by his wit, humor, ceaseless compassion, and skillful means. Rinpoche is Lama Drimed's uncle, who has provided inconceivable assistance and blessings during the formation of Dechen Rang Dharma Center. Lama Drimed has Cordially invited Gyatrul Rinpoche to bestow Amitabha and Green Tara empowerment as the inauguration ceremony. With such auspicious dependent origination, Lama Drimed sincerely hope that all fortunate participants will make connection and aspire to take rebirth in Dewachen -- the Amitabha Pureland.

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