Independent Meditation Center Guide

"If what the Buddha taught us is true, then it is as true in Arkansas as it is in Tibet."
Dinty Moore, The Accidental Buddhist.

Dawn Redwood Zen Community
Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church
524 Allen Avenue
Portland,  Maine   04103
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Phone 207-797-7240
Center's Description
A Sitting Group of Boundless Way Zen

We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings, 7-9:00 P.M. at the Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church in Portland, ME. The schedule for each evening includes a Zen liturgy, two 25 minute sitting periods with walking meditation in between, and a period of study and reflection following. Newcomers are most welcome to attend this ongoing group. If you are interested in joining us, please contact David Heald to arrange a brief orientation session. FMI, contact the Leader of the Zen Community.

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