Independent Meditation Center Guide

"When you empty your mind, when you give up everything and just practice zazen with an open mind, then whatever you see you meet yourself."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

International Center for Meditation and Well-Being
136 Virgil Day Rd.
Boone,  North Carolina   28607
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 800-392-6870
Center's Description
The International Center for Meditation & Well-Being is a place to rediscover human values – compassion, love, togetherness, joy, harmony – and to nurture them in our life. The Center hosts workshops and retreats that take one deeper into the experience of life – the Art of Living.

If you are interested to learn yoga, meditation or breathing techniques or you are practicing yoga for some time – here you can join a program no matter how experienced and advanced you are.

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