Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Truly the world we most intimately inhabit is the world created by our thought and by our speech, which is both the result of and the cause of our thought,"
Norman Fischer, Taking Our Places.

Atlanta Soto Zen Center
1167C Zonolite Place
Atlanta,  Georgia   30306
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Zen - Soto
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 404 532.0040
Center's Description
The Atlanta Soto Zen Center, founded in 1977, is one of the larger non-residential Zen centers in the country, offering a full schedule of morning and evening zazen, instructions for beginners, monthly sesshins and occasional week-long retreats. Please come join us in our beautiful new location on Zonolite Place and look for opportunities to begin or deepen your Zen practice.

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