Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Truly the world we most intimately inhabit is the world created by our thought and by our speech, which is both the result of and the cause of our thought,"
Norman Fischer, Taking Our Places.

Spirit Mountain Temple
Eternal Spring Association
617 Hungerford Dr.
Rockville,  Maryland   20850
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.spiritmountain.o...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 301 424-6575
Fax 301 424-6815
Center's Description
We recommend that you meditate alone or with others for 20-40 minutes each day, either in the early morning or late evening. It is also good to gather with a teacher or Zen Master occasionally for meditation and discussion. We gather at different times on a regular basis. Everyone is welcome to attend these open meditation sessions.

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