Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Learning to look at each second as if it were the first and only second in the universe is most essential in Vipassana meditation."
Henepola Gunaratana, Mindfulness in Plain English.

Wildflower Zendo, Ridgewood
Box 700
Ramsey,  New Jersey   07446
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Zen - Rinzai
Center's Description
Wildflower Zendo is a Zen Buddhist congregation (sangha) that practices in Ridgewood, NJ under the guidance of Rev. Kobutsu Malone, an American Rinzai Zen priest of the Gempo-Soen-Eido lineage. The Wildflower yahoo group is a place for members of the sangha to keep in touch with, and share ideas with each other.

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