Independent Meditation Center Guide

"When you believe you have some problem it means your practice is not good enough. When your practice is good enough, whatever you see, whatever you do, that is the direct experience of reality."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

Midwest Soto Zen Community
Madison,  Wisconsin   53705
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Zen - Soto
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Center's Description
The Midwest Soto Zen Community (MSZC) was established in 2001 by Renshin and Taizen Verkuilen, Dharma heirs in Dainin Katagiri Roshi’s lineage. MSZC provides instruction for beginners and experienced practitioners using innovative methods uniquely suitable to the lifestyle of the lay practitioner.

MSZC follows the Soto Zen form of practice placing special emphasis on the Zen attributes of proficiency in the principles of the Dharma and Zazen practice, grounded in the triple foundation of sutra study, defined introspection, and direct perception of Zazen. Principles of dialogue and discussion are used to guide activities.

Participation in scheduled events is open to any interested individual. Anyone can join any of the activities. The Midwest Soto Zen Community was established with the goal of supporting the interest of individuals and groups in Buddhist meditation and studies.

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