Independent Meditation Center Guide

"When you empty your mind, when you give up everything and just practice zazen with an open mind, then whatever you see you meet yourself."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

Upaya Zen Center
1404 Cerro Gordo Rd.
Santa Fe,  New Mexico   87501
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 505 986-8518
Fax 505 986-8528
Center's Description
Upaya, Sanskrit for "skillful means" or "the craft of compassion," is a Buddhist study center nestled in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, just minutes from the plaza of Santa Fe. We offer courses and retreats on engaged spirituality and on contemplative care of the dying. We also offer Zen training, meditation retreats and international retreats. Groups and individuals may use our facility for retreats.
Independent Comments
1/26/2019  Reviewed By: Olivia Harlow, Santa Fe New Mexican
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