Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Truly the world we most intimately inhabit is the world created by our thought and by our speech, which is both the result of and the cause of our thought,"
Norman Fischer, Taking Our Places.

Red Cedar Zen Community
1021 N. Forest St.
Bellingham,  Washington   98225
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Zen - Soto
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 360-312-7088
Center's Description
The Red Cedar Zen Community invites you to join us in the practice of Zen meditation. By settling the heart and mind in this very moment, we can bring a little more peace and openness to our lives and our world. Our Soto way emphasizes the daily practice of sitting meditation (zazen) and the integration of formal practice and daily life.

We follow the traditional forms of the Soto school of Zen with a spirit of warmth and inclusion. Everyone interested in meditation, whether brand new, experienced in other traditions, or schooled in formal Zen, is welcome to join our practice.

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