Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Thus, whether one leads a spiritual life depends on whether one has been successful in bringing about that disciplined, tamed state of mind and translating that state of mind into one's daily actions."
Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness.

Kadampa Meditation Center Madison
1825 S. Park Street
Madison,  Wisconsin   53713
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Kadampa Buddhism
URL meditationinmadison....
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 608.661.3211
Center's Description
Kadampa Buddhism is a special tradition of MahayanGen-la_Dekyong-300x225a Buddhism founded by Atisha(982-1054 CE), an Indian Buddhist Master largely responsible for the reintroduction of Buddhism into Tibet in the eleventh century.

‘Ka’ refers to all Buddha’s Sutra and Tantra teachings, and ‘dam’ refers to Atisha’s special instructions called the ‘Stages of the Path’, or Lamrim in Tibetan.

Kadampa Buddhists integrate their knowledge of all Buddha’s teachings into their everyday lives. The Kadampa Geshes, the followers of Atisha, were not only great scholars but also spiritual practitioners of immense purity and sincerity.
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11/4/2016  Reviewed By:, Maija Inveiss
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