Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Meditation teaches you how to loosen your monkey-grip on your experience and create a kind of inner spaciousness and relaxation by letting go of control and allowing things to be the way they are."
Stephan Bodian, Meditation for Dummies.

Boundless Way Zen
Boston,  Massachusetts  
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.boundlesswayzen....
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Center's Description
Boundless Way Zen is dedicated to exploring the fullest expression of our realization of the identity of the ordinary and the sacred through attention to many aspects of our human lives. This includes attention to community, to moral development, to social engagement, particularly around issues of peace and communal justice, as well as to the arts and other expressions of human personality. Each of these is a facet of the jewel of authentic practice, as important as our sitting meditation or participation in sesshin. We are just at the beginning stages of how we can support each other in these varied aspects of practice.

Part of our mission is to support local Zen meditation groups that make this practice of Zen available to people as a part of their daily lives. BoWZ came into existence through the coming together of independent local sanghas. We currently support local sitting groups through the authorization and guidance of senior Zen students to lead groups where there is an interest. Guiding teachers also visit and teach at different sanghas to support these local groups. All the sanghas come together to create and practice in the longer sesshin.

Today the principal sanghas gathered together into the Boundless Way are the Worcester Zen Community led by Melissa Blacker & David Rynick, with the assistance of Harold Stevens and James Cordova, the Henry Thoreau Zen Sangha led by Sue Allen, Spring Hill Zen led by Stephen Wallace, the Benevolent Street Zendo, led by James Ford with the assistance of Jan Seymour-Ford, and the Ralph Waldo Emerson Zen Sangha led by Josh Bartok with the assistance of Kate Hartland. Other sanghas are in various stages of development.

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