Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Mindfulness practice is very forgiving. It beckons to us to start over again, time after time after time, without judging us for the times we haven't managed to remember to drop in on ourselves."
Mark Williams, The Mindful Way through Depression.

St. John's Shambhala Group
The Brother T. I. Murphy Centre
95 Water Street
St. John's,  Newfoundland  
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Tibetan Shambhala
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Center's Description
We are a group of people who meet regularly to practice sitting meditation in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

Meditation has been practiced in many forms, in many cultures, for thousands of years. It has been particularly important in Buddhist traditions. According to one Eastern legend, Shambhala was an ancient kingdom where the ruler and people together created an enlightened society through the practice of meditation. This ideal is one of the fundamental bases of the Tibetan (Vajrayana) Buddhist tradition. Shambhala Training International is an organization formed to teach a secular approach to meditation, called mindfulness practice, as developed by a Tibetan meditation master, the late Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche. Locally, the Shambhala teachings are offered in a series of weekend seminars led by experienced meditation teachers.

Members of our group are also interested in other Buddhist traditions, (including Mahayana & Theravada) and we share teachings from different perspectives at our weekly meetings. Instruction in basic forms of meditation is available from certified teachers in our group.

Mostly, we simply meet to sit together in meditation. Our sittings are open to anyone interested in meditation, from any tradition, or from none.

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