Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Don't strive for some special state of mind. There is no special state of mind. If you strive for some special state of mind you'll only disturb your mind."
Steve Hagen, Buddhism Plain and Simple.

Losel Maitri Tibetan Buddhist Center
P.O. Box 43721
3118 Bellwood Drive
Commerce Square, suite 116
Birmingham,  Alabama   35243
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.loselmaitribuddh...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 205 292-9186
Center's Description
Worship Services and Classes are held at 3118-116 Bellwood Drive, Birmingham, AL

Weekly Worship Services begin at 7:00 pm on Tuesday evenings.

The Introduction to Buddhism class meets at 5:50 pm before the Worship Service. The curriculum for the class extends over several weeks, but the series can be begun at any time. It is designed to provide a basic understanding of Buddhist thought and practice.

Everyone is welcome to attend both the class and Worship Service.

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