Independent Meditation Center Guide

"If what the Buddha taught us is true, then it is as true in Arkansas as it is in Tibet."
Dinty Moore, The Accidental Buddhist.

Zen Center of Spokane
35 West Main Avenue
Spokane,  Washington   99201
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.zencenterspokane...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 509-534-2617
Center's Description
We are a lay Zen group that practices together in the Zen Buddhist tradition under the guidance of our teacher Jack Duffy Roshi. Jack, a dharma heir of Robert Aitken Roshi, lives near Bellingham, Washington.

Jack leads retreats in the Spokane area twice a year, as well as a week-long sesshin on the Olympic Peninsula near Seattle each January and June.

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