Independent Meditation Center Guide

"For it is only through meditation that you can undertake the journey to discover your true nature,"
Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.

Eugene Buddhist Priory
85415 Teague Loop
Eugene,  Oregon   97405
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Zen - Soto
URL www.eugenebuddhistpr...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 541-344-7377
Center's Description
The Eugene Buddhist Priory is a meditation temple for the practice of Serene Reflection Meditation. This Buddhist tradition emphasizes silent meditation, living by the Buddhist Precepts, trust in Buddha Nature, and the selfless practice of compassion and gratitude in daily life. The Priory, with a Buddhist monastic in residence, offers instruction, guidance, and support for the contemplative (dedicated to meditation) practice of the Buddhist Way.

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