Independent Meditation Center Guide

"When we become detached from things, everything will be ours."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

1430 Olympic Blvd.
Santa Monica,  California   90404
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Phone 310-774-3325
Center's Description
InsightLA, under the direction of Trudy Goodman, guides the practice of Buddhist meditation individually, in sitting groups, and through retreats in the Los Angeles and Southern California area. We offer a range of programs which include the practice of Insight Meditation, also known as Vipassana in the Buddhist tradition.

Meditation is a process of life-long learning to be mindful, loving, and awake. In the words of the late great Theravadin monk, Nyaponika Thera, "to what a person brings attention, to that does the mind incline." Meditation is a powerful way to incline the heart towards compassion, understanding, and freedom.

InsightLA is a community of caring and engaged practitioners - we welcome beginners and newcomers.
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1/24/2020  Reviewed By: thepridela
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