Great Mountain Zen Center
1110 Sparta Drive Lafayette, Colorado 80026 |
Zen | |
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Phone | 720 890-1800 |
Center's Description | |
Weekly zazen periods are currently held at the Zen Center (1110 Sparta Drive, Lafayette CO) on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings 5:45 AM, and Wednesday evenings 7:00 PM. Chanting service, zazen and dharma talk are held on Sunday mornings 8:00 AM -10:30 AM followed by work practice until noon. Weekly zazen includes opportunities for interview with Shishin Roshi. All sittings except Wednesday evening include Zen service and chanting.
Sesshin, an intensive retreat, includes zazen, sutra chanting, formal oryoki meals, work practice, Dharma talks, and private interviews with Shishin Roshi and Shinko Sensei. Weekend sesshins are held about 6 times a year and week-long sesshins are held twice a year at the Zen Center in Lafayette, CO. |
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