Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Meditation teaches you how to loosen your monkey-grip on your experience and create a kind of inner spaciousness and relaxation by letting go of control and allowing things to be the way they are."
Stephan Bodian, Meditation for Dummies.

Tamalpais Shambhala Meditation Group
734 A Street, Suite 1
San Rafael,  California   94901
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Tibetan Shambhala
URL www.tamalpais.shambh...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 415 891-9185
Center's Description
We meet every Tuesday evening in historic central San Rafael, at 734 A Street, off Second Street, from 7 pm to 9 pm, for meditation, conversation, study, contemplation and socializing. Everyone is welcome, refreshments are served, and meditation instruction (and on-going meditation advice) is available free of charge.

We also gather for Sunday morning open house talks and practice sessions with visiting teachers from throughout the affiliated twelve centers of Northern California Shambhala, on most second and fourth Sundays of every month, from 9 am to noon. Please call or write for our complete schedule.

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