Independent Meditation Center Guide

"When you empty your mind, when you give up everything and just practice zazen with an open mind, then whatever you see you meet yourself."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

Mainstream Mindfulness
Spokane,  Washington   99206
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.mainstream-mindf...
Phone 509-928-3863
Center's Description
Mindfulness is a wise and compassionate way of paying attention to our life. We recognize what is actually happening in our moment-to-moment experience and receive it with an attitude of curiosity and friendliness. This response to life creates the conditions for a genuine and reliable happiness.

In mindfulness meditation we practice bringing this interested and kind attention to the changing flow of our inner life — clearly seeing what is happening in the mind and body and not being at war with it or wanting it to be different.

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