Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Mindfulness practice is very forgiving. It beckons to us to start over again, time after time after time, without judging us for the times we haven't managed to remember to drop in on ourselves."
Mark Williams, The Mindful Way through Depression.

Southern Palm Zen Center
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton
2601 St. Andrews Blvd
Boca Raton,  Florida   33434
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 561 483-6680
Fax 561 483-6680
Center's Description
The Southern Palm Zen Group is comprised of people who have come together to build personal and community wisdom through Zen practice. We do so through Zazen (meditation), traditional Zen services, retreats, study groups, social gatherings, and service to others.

Our primary practice form is taken from the Zen tradition but we draw on the insights of other disciplines. The intention is to use the form, like the banks of a river, to direct or awaken the flow of ancient and contemporary wisdom for ourselves and the world we are part of. At the heart of Zen is not theory, dogma, or belief. However, there is one request; to practice Zazen, a form of meditation which allows people to discover the link which binds them to the presence in themselves and all beings.

Although Zen practice is hundreds of years old, it addresses contemporary questions by bringing extraordinary attention to the midst of so-called "ordinary" circumstances. This practice can transform how we view our lives and how we interact with others.

We welcome personal calls that could assist you in learning about our practice.

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