Independent Meditation Center Guide

"You think that you can only establish true practice after you attain enlightenment, but it is not so. True practice is established in delusion, in frustration."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

Zen Buddhist Temple Chicago
1710 W. Cornelia Ave.
Chicago,  Illinois   60657
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.zenbuddhisttempl...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 773-528-8685
Fax 773-528-9909
Center's Description
Today's Zen Buddhist Temple building began in 1915 as a Freemason's temple, so as a structure it's come full circle. It's a temple once again. Purchased in 1992 as a rundown Pentecostal church, it took two years of almost-entirely volunteer labor to become the modern building it is. Now the temple provides...
  • Public services and meditation courses
  • A community for fellowship and support
  • A seminary, monastery and training center
Public services are Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., plus monthly courses and events. Members-only services are Wednesdays at 7 p.m and Sundays at 6 a.m.

We have a full schedule of daily and weekly practice, train students and members, and seasonal meetings for the community.

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