Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Thus, whether one leads a spiritual life depends on whether one has been successful in bringing about that disciplined, tamed state of mind and translating that state of mind into one's daily actions."
Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness.

Preserving Authenticity
Dharma Yoga Evanston
1321 Emerson St.
Evanston,  Illinois   60201
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL preservingauthentici...
Center's Description
There is much hype over meditation these days. Inner peace, control over the mind, physical healing and higher knowledge are powerful attention grabbers, inviting millions to explore an overwhelming lineup with varying philosophies and techniques. This is an invitation to take a step back from schools of meditation and notice an innate, organic, and precious faculty of self-observation.

No prior meditation experience necessary. Please bring pillow(s)/cushion(s) to sit on. Make sure you will be comfortable!

All sessions are free. Donation is appreciated, never obligatory. Meets in Evanston and Wheeling, IL.
Averages of independent reviewers (1)
Spiritual 5.00   Material 5.00   Recommend 5.00
(1 = Weak ... 5 = Excellent)
Independent Comments
11/19/2015  Reviewed By: Vlad
Very genuine guided meditations and discussions for any level. Sessions are focused on understanding mind-body technology and freeing perception for subtle seeing within. Had a great experience!

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