Independent Meditation Center Guide

"To experience emptiness is to experience the shocking absence of what normally determines the sense of who you are and the kind of reality you inhabit."
Stephen Batchelor, Buddhism Without Beliefs.

Ka Shin Zendo - Zen Buddhist Center of Washington DC
7006 East Avenue
Chevy Chase,  Maryland   20815
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 202 829-1966
Center's Description
Ka Shin Zendo is a group of dedicated lay Zen practitioners founded in 1969. Our focus is zazen, the seated meditation at the core of Buddhist practice that aims to cultivate awareness and cut through delusion, awakening practitioners to the reality of the here and now.

We offer zazen twice weekly, periodic weekend retreats and a discussion group. For beginners, an introduction to Zen takes place on the first Sunday of each month. Please check our schedule, as we are open only during scheduled sitting and retreat times.

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