Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Even though your practice is not so good, that is perfect practice. Just sit."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

Zen Community of Baltimore / Clare Sangha
Homewood Friends Meeting House
3107 N. Charles Street
Mailing address: c/o Wiess, 138 Chargeur Road, Reisterstown, MD 21136
Baltimore,  Maryland   21218
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Zen - Soto
URL www.zcbclaresangha.o...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 410-433-3088
Center's Description
Participants in the Introduction to Zen Meditation and Practice {4th Sat. of every other month,e.g., Jan., Mar., etc.) receive instruction in posture for sitting meditation, breathing as practice, attitude-Beginner's Mind, walking meditation, and chanting. Periods of sitting, in 25-minute segments, are interspersed with walking meditation. The day concludes with questions, comments, and closing chant. Reservations are required and are due by Thursday evening preceding the Saturday Introduction.

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