Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine,"
Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind.

Jizo-an Zen Community / The Zen Society
1930 Marlton Pike East
Executive Mews Suite L-63
Cherry Hill,  New Jersey   08003
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 856-248-0776
Center's Description
We are a diverse community of Contemplative Zen Monks, founded in 1985 by our brother, the Abbot Seijaku Roshi. Inspired by a monastic tradition reaching back centuries, and supported by men and women from all walks of life, we are shaped by the teachings of the Buddhadharma, the Mystical Torah, the Rule of Saint Benedict, and the Gospels.

We hope to live the teachings of Loving-kindness, Compassion, and Benevolent Service for all beings together. Seeking to help create an "Enlightened Society," we hope that we will, in some measure, foster the healing and reconciliation of the whole human family. ​

We offer both traditional and innovative ways to nurture and engage Authentic Spirituality through our public programs and retreats. All are welcome to visit, and to join us in our celebrations of common prayer, meditation, and learning.

Our Zendo or Meditation Hall affords an atmosphere in which quiet reflection and prayer are accessible to all.

Whether attending in-person or online, a Wednesday Evening Zen Studies Class, a seminar, Liturgy Service, or a full-day or half-day retreat, you will have the opportunity to experience a welcoming and contemplative environment — a dynamic, integrated spiritual community and a place to encounter your own inner silence, wisdom, and compassion.

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