Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Am I inviting mindfulness into each moment, or indulging in mindless repetition of the forms of meditation practice, mistaking the form for the essence of it?"
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go, There You Are.

Kwan Chao True Buddhist Temple
1612 Frontage Rd.
Cherry Hill,  New Jersey   08034
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Tibetan Vajrayana
Phone 856 795-3055
Fax 856 795-2157
Center's Description
`Ling Xian True Buddha School` appears in the era of the degeneration and extinction of the Buddha Dharma. It inherits the spirit of Buddha, aiming to disseminate and spread the Right Dharma, succour all sentient beings from the cycle of birth and death, through the True Buddha School of Esoteric Dharma so that people are able to attain the realisation of their mind; and see its True Nature. He achieves mastery through a comprehensive study of Taoism, Mahayana Buddhism, and Esoteric doctrines of Tibetan Buddhism, in order to explain how people can attain Enlightenment and see its Original Self Nature. Living Buddha Lian Shen himself has acquired the spirit of devotion from Christianity, internal practice method from Taoism, various doctrines from the Mahayana school of Buddhism and the pure essence of Tantric practice. He hopes everybody will cultivate, attain Enlightenment, and become a Buddha.

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