Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Truly the world we most intimately inhabit is the world created by our thought and by our speech, which is both the result of and the cause of our thought,"
Norman Fischer, Taking Our Places.

Two Arrows Zen, Artspace Zendo
230 South 500 West
Suite 155
Salt Lake City,  Utah   84101
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Phone 801-532-4975
Center's Description
Two Arrows Zen, founded by Diane Musho Hamilton Sensei and Michael Mugaku Zimmerman Sensei, is a center of Zen study and practice with two locations in Utah. One is an urban center located at Artspace in downtown Salt Lake City. The other is a seasonal zendo located in the town of Torrey, just outside of Capitol Reef National Park in the heart of Utah's red rock country. A new zendo for year-round practice and supporting facilities are now being built in Torrey, with expected completion in early 2016.

Musho Sensei and Mugaku Sensei are lineage holders in the Soto Zen tradition of Taizan Maezumi Roshi and Genpo Merzel Roshi. Both Senseis are members of the White Plum Asanga and Soto Zen Buddhist Association. We are also informed by the work of Ken Wilber and Integral theory and practice. Practitioners from all over the world regularly participate in our programs.

Two Arrows Zen retreats take place in a traditional Zen sesshin atmosphere, including zazen, dharma talks, and interviews with the teachers. We hold daily meditation practice and monthly Days of Zen.

There are virtual on-line elements to the practice including tele-courses, virtual temple days, and on-line koan study. Diane Musho Hamilton Sensei also regularly offers programs and trainings to develop interpersonal and communication skills as a part of spiritual practice and development.

The Two Arrows Zen program of study and practice is designed to appeal to a broad audience--to those in the mainstream, including householders who raise children, hold jobs, and seek liberation within that life plan.

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