Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Meditative discipline is vital to dharma practice precisely because it leads us beyond the realm of ideas to that of felt-experience,"
Stephen Batchelor, Buddhism Without Beliefs.

Acorn Holistics
46 Main Street
Netcong,  New Jersey   07857
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Phone 973-475-8989
Center's Description
Your First Visit At Our New Jersey Meditation Center?
Your first visit will be a consultation to find out where you are right now and how you feel that you have arrived there. Then Debbie will ask you to honestly tell yourself where you want to be. Together we will devise a plan with the amounts of visits we will have together to meet your goals through meditation. You will reach real goals and have real results. You will have for yourself a time and space that you have personally created each day to give to yourself the nurturing and healing you need.

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