Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Meditative discipline is vital to dharma practice precisely because it leads us beyond the realm of ideas to that of felt-experience,"
Stephen Batchelor, Buddhism Without Beliefs.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Harold Washington Library, Room 7S
400 South State Street
Chicago,  Illinois   60605
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL sahajayogachicago.or...
Phone 732-357-7564
Center's Description
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a simple, time-honored technique. It helps reduce stress and increase wellness. It brings better focus and helps people become more centered and better balanced. Anyone can do it.

It's also free.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes are held throughout the week all over Chicagoland. A typical class includes a brief introduction, guided meditation and discussions with Q&A.

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