Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Am I inviting mindfulness into each moment, or indulging in mindless repetition of the forms of meditation practice, mistaking the form for the essence of it?"
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go, There You Are.

Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha
P.O. Box 4363
Santa Fe,  New Mexico   87502
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.santafevipassana...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 505.989.7610
Center's Description
The Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha is a community of Dharma practitioners seeking liberation through Insight Meditation and integration of the Buddha's teachings into daily life.

As spiritual friends, committed to generosity and compassionate action, we are dedicated to supporting each other's practice.

The Sangha is a non-profit organization engaged in an ongoing process of consensus decision-making.

This community is open to all people seeking to follow the Eight-fold Path regardless of color, race, gender, age, or sexual preference.

Vipassana ("Insight") Meditation is a Western adaptation of the Theravadan Buddhist tradition of Southeast Asia, one of the three main branches of Buddhism practiced in the world today.

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