Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Mindfulness practice is very forgiving. It beckons to us to start over again, time after time after time, without judging us for the times we haven't managed to remember to drop in on ourselves."
Mark Williams, The Mindful Way through Depression.

Nevada Buddhist Vihara
2040 Abels Ln
Las Vegas,  Nevada   89115
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Phone 702 457-7938
Fax 702 457-7938
Center's Description
Wednesdays, 6 p.m. meditation
Averages of independent reviewers (2)
Spiritual 1.00   Material 1.00   Recommend 1.00
(1 = Weak ... 5 = Excellent)
Independent Comments
5/14/2006  Reviewed By: Karl Aspgren
If one flower grows on the 40th floor outside wall of an 80 story building is it more beautiful than a flower found in a flower store? A man that needs glasses can meet Subuhuthi when Subuhuthi is helping someone is a man who's Life has been touched. Thank You for your kind ways of living.

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