Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Meditation teaches you how to loosen your monkey-grip on your experience and create a kind of inner spaciousness and relaxation by letting go of control and allowing things to be the way they are."
Stephan Bodian, Meditation for Dummies.

Blue Mountain Zendo
521 4th St.
3rd Floor
Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania   18015
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Zen - Rinzai
URL www.bluemountainzend...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 610-657-3160
Center's Description
The Zendo is open to the public and we welcome those from all traditions and faiths to come join us in (zazen) meditation. We ask those new to Zen Practice to come fifteen minutes early for basic Zen Instruction. Please wear loose comfortable clothing of a muted nature. If you have your own cushions please bring them as the zendo's are limited to first come first serve. Our suggested donation for Unity Service is $7.00.

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