Independent Meditation Center Guide

"To experience emptiness is to experience the shocking absence of what normally determines the sense of who you are and the kind of reality you inhabit."
Stephen Batchelor, Buddhism Without Beliefs.

Tsegyalgar, Dzogchen Community in America, Inc.
18 Schoolhouse Road
P.O. Box 277 (mailing address must be P.O. Box)
Conway,  Massachusetts   01341
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Tibetan Dzogchen
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 413 369-4153
Fax 413-369-4473 (Fax & Tsegyalgar Bookstore)
Center's Description
Teacher: Choegyal Namkhai Norbu
Non-residential retreat center, North American retreat and administrative center for the Dzogchen Community in America, Shang Shung Institute, The Mirror (international publication for Dzogchen Community) and A.S.I.A. (Association for International Solidarity in Asia), many local groups of students throughout North America, including major centers in Berkeley, CA, NYC, Santa Fe and Albuquerque, NM, Chicago, Big Island and Oahu, HI, Juno, AK, Boston, Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, Miami, Toronto, Philadelphia. At Tsegyalgar, we have many acres of land, called Khandroling, that is being developed for personal and solitary retreats for members of the Dzogchen Community. At Khandroling, there is a long-life stupa, a sangkhor, a Guardian Cabin, a Vajra Dance Mandala, Rinpoche's personal retreat cabin and we are building 8 more personal retreat cabins. There is also a cabin nearby for doing Dark Retreat. There are weekly practices and monthly weekend practice retreats held on an ongoing basis. Choegyal Namkai Norbu gives Dzogchen teachings in the U.S. at Tsegyalgar and other places. Generally, practice weekends are by donation and $10-20/night to stay in the coed dormitory (holds 12). Tsegyalgar means "place of victorious peak" and Khandroling means "place of the Dakinis."

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