Independent Meditation Center Guide

"You cannot reach a full understanding of emptiness with your thinking mind or with your feeling."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

The Madison Zen Center
1820 Jefferson St.
Madison,  Wisconsin   53711
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 608-255-4488
Center's Description
Founded in 1974, the Madison Zen Center is an affiliate of the Rochester Zen Center. Formal sittings are held six days a week. Sunday sittings include a taped Zen talk, called a teisho. These teishos are given by Sensei Bodhin. There are also half-day sittings one Saturday a month. Two-day retreats are held occasionally at the center during Sensei's visits to Madison, which occur about three times a year. Longer retreats are held in Rochester and elsewhere.

A good way to begin a regular practice of sitting is to attend the Introduction to Practice, which is held on the first Monday of each month at the center beginning at 6:30 PM. There is no charge for these sessions, which provide instruction in Zen practice, the basic postures and the few formalities associated with formal sittings. Those who attend this introduction are welcome to attend any of the daily sittings and other events at the center.

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