Independent Meditation Center Guide

"You can't make radical changes in the pattern of your life until you begin to see yourself exactly as you are now."
Henepola Gunaratana, Mindfulness in Plain English.

Charlotte Community of Mindfulness
c/o Leslie Rawls, PO Box 38325
Charlotte,  North Carolina   28278
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Mahayana Buddhist
URL www.charlottemindful...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 704-583-1279
Fax 704-588-4609
Center's Description
We are located in Charlotte North Carolina. Founded in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and the Order of Interbeing, the Charlotte Community of Mindfulness comes together weekly for meditation and study. We support each other in practicing the art of mindful living and engaged Buddhism. Mindfulness is the practice of calming our minds and being present with ourselves, others, and the world. Coming together with a community of friends is a powerful way to "water the seeds of mindfulness" that help nourish us and bring joy. Newcomers are welcome. Please visit our website for our Sunday morning meeting times and directions.

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