Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Don't strive for some special state of mind. There is no special state of mind. If you strive for some special state of mind you'll only disturb your mind."
Steve Hagen, Buddhism Plain and Simple.

Durham Dharma
Durham,  North Carolina   27705
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 919-596-2576
Center's Description
Durham Dharma is a small Buddhist mindfulness meditation group that meets once a week at one member's house or office in Durham, North Carolina. Meetings, which take place on Wednesday nights from 7:30 to 9:00 pm, consist of 30 minutes of sitting, 30 minutes of reading and discussion,and 30 minutes of sitting. Our reading-discussion time focuses on the current book we are reading, and is typically practice-oriented rather than scholarly. We provide basic meditation instruction free of charge to any who request it.

Our members practice vipassana (insight meditation) and/or Zen and attend retreats with a range of teachers. Some of us are also affiliated with other Buddhist groups in the area. The books we read are usually from the Zen or vipassana tradition, but we typically select our next book simply because one or several members recommend it.

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