Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Thus, whether one leads a spiritual life depends on whether one has been successful in bringing about that disciplined, tamed state of mind and translating that state of mind into one's daily actions."
Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness.

Blue Heron Zen
10303 Densmore Ave North
Seattle,  Washington   98133
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Center's Description
Blue Heron Zen Community invites you to experience the practice of Zen meditation. The purpose of our practice is to "wake up" and to live compassionate lives.

At Blue Heron Zen you'll learn basic Zen practice techniques, including meditation and chanting. Most importantly, you'll learn how this ancient practice can help reduce suffering. The only way to benefit from Zen is to do it.

Blue Heron Zen Community has two centers. If you are new to Zen or want to learn more about our tradition, we offer a quick Introduction to Zen once a week at each location.

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