Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Meditation teaches you how to loosen your monkey-grip on your experience and create a kind of inner spaciousness and relaxation by letting go of control and allowing things to be the way they are."
Stephan Bodian, Meditation for Dummies.

Ancient Dragon Zen Gate
Cenacle Retreat and Conference Center
513 W. Fullerton Parkway
Chicago,  Illinois   60614
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Zen - Soto
URL www.ancientdragon.or...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 312-925-9477
Center's Description
Ancient Dragon Zen Gate is a community of practitioners committed to being a home for Soto Zen meditation practice in Chicago. Our teacher is Taigen Dan Leighton, author, scholar, and dharma teacher in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki.

We meet weekly for zazen (zen meditation) on Monday evenings at The Cenacle Retreat and Conference Center, 513 W. Fullerton Parkway, in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood. In this contemplative setting, we sit one forty-minute period of zen meditation and then conduct a brief service in the Soto Zen style which includes the chanting of traditional Zen texts. A group discussion follows. All are welcome. If you have not practiced Buddhist meditation before, please arrive at 6:45 pm for an orientation to the zendo and meditation instruction. For more information, email.

On Fridays at 7:00 am, we have a single period of zazen for our members. This sitting is in the home of one of Taigen's senior students. It is open to anyone who has already attended a Monday evening meeting and received zazen instruction there. For details, call 312-576-3582 or email

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