Independent Meditation Center Guide

"What we are doing is not reprogramming ourselves, but freeing ourselves from all programs, by seeing that they are empty of reality."
Charlotte Joko Beck, Everyday Zen.

Center For Buddhist Development/Vipassana Buddhist Church
203 East Dunklin St.
Jefferson City,  Missouri   65101
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.vipassanabuddhis...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 573 691-0072
Center's Description
The mission of the VBC/CBD is to make the original teachings of the Buddha available throughout mid-Missouri. Vipassana Buddhist Church is unique in the central Missouri area in that we are the only Buddhist organization that provides services and ceremonies in many different traditions. Reverend Dhammaruchi was ordained in the Order of Buddhist Ministers in 1997 by his primary teacher Venerable Bhante Chao Chu, and Venerable Havanpola Ratnasara Nayaka Thero, along with other monks of the of the Buddhist Sangha Council of Southern California.

Because his primary teacher is from the Theravada school, VBC-Jefferson City is centered in that school; however, all Buddhist teachings are accepted and often incorporated into our practice.

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