Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Truly the world we most intimately inhabit is the world created by our thought and by our speech, which is both the result of and the cause of our thought,"
Norman Fischer, Taking Our Places.

Cleveland Buddhist Temple
Shaker Heights Universalist Unitarian Church
21600 Shaker Blvd
Shaker Heights,  Ohio   44122
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.cleveland-buddhi...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 216 692-1509
Fax 216 692-2012
Center's Description
You do not have to have special knowledge, experience or beliefs to come through our doors. Even if you are completely new to Buddhism, we invite you to join us. Just bring yourself. Our motto is "Come as you are."

​The Cleveland Buddhist Temple offers Shin Buddhist Services that are open to all. Please check our newsletter for more details on dates and times.

From the beginning, Cleveland Buddhist Temple has been home to a Sangha, or community, that follows the Jodo Shinshu path of compassion, gratitude and the "entrusting heart."

Throughout the year Cleveland Buddhist Temple also offers numerous special events, holiday celebrations and music performances. The temple welcomes people of all races, nationalities, lifestyles, and beliefs into its midst.

We also offer opportunities to increase your understanding of Buddhism and other mindful practices.
Averages of independent reviewers (11)
Spiritual 1.00   Material 1.00   Recommend 1.00
(1 = Weak ... 5 = Excellent)

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