Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Meditation teaches you how to loosen your monkey-grip on your experience and create a kind of inner spaciousness and relaxation by letting go of control and allowing things to be the way they are."
Stephan Bodian, Meditation for Dummies.

Great Plains Zen Center
PO Box 3362
Barrington,  Illinois   60011
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.greatplainszen.o...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 847 274-4793
Center's Description
The Great Plains Zen Center offers Zen training for both beginning and experienced practitioners. Students at Great Plains Zen Center enjoy the opportunity to participate in weekly practice, 3 - 7 day retreats ("sesshin"), classes and workshops held throughout the year, and intensive, residential training each summer. For a current schedule of upcoming events, please refer to our calendar. GPZC distributes a monthly newsletter, The Sangha Letter, at official events. GPZC's literary journal, The Buffalo's Tail, is published 1 - 2 times per year and is available by subscription. Our location in the northwest suburbs of Chicago is wheelchair accessible and people with special needs are welcome.

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