Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Learning to look at each second as if it were the first and only second in the universe is most essential in Vipassana meditation."
Henepola Gunaratana, Mindfulness in Plain English.

Dondrub Ling-Dzogchen Community West Coast
2748 #D Adeline Street
Berkeley,  California   94703
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Tibetan Dzogchen
URL www.dzogchencommunit...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 510.644.2260
Center's Description
Dondrub Ling is centrally located, and easily accessible by public transportation. There is ample parking in the area. It is a renovated building from the early 1900s with character and pleasant feeling and nice architectural details. We have a large room for teachings, practice, Yantra Yoga and the Vajra Dance. There are sloping high ceiling with sky lights, aged brick on the side walls and a kitchen lounge area. With this space we're now able to sponsor more gatherings, practice explanation sessions, Santi Maha Sangha groups, and Weekend Workshops.

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