Independent Meditation Center Guide

"What we are doing is not reprogramming ourselves, but freeing ourselves from all programs, by seeing that they are empty of reality."
Charlotte Joko Beck, Everyday Zen.

East Bay Open Circle
Berkeley,  California   94709
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.eastbayopencircl...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 510 495-7511
Center's Description
The East Bay Open Circle is a non-sectarian and open group dedicated to supporting, celebrating, and exploring the practices of mindful awareness, meditation and other healing arts. Though not affiliated with any single tradition or teacher, we feel especially inspired and influenced by the satsang and Buddhist traditions of non-dual presence and awareness, as well as by other practices that support the opening of our hearts and minds.

We usually meet on the first Sunday of every month for either a talk by a visiting speaker or a silent meditation followed by discussion, socializing, and tea. We also meet on additional Sundays on occasion for meditation and either discussion or yoga, t'ai chi, music, chanting or dance. Please check our calendar for up-to-date information and times or email us to be on our email list to be notified of upcoming events. Please join us sometime-we're a friendly and informal bunch- and are nothing apart from each one of us!

Most events are either free of charge or by donation, though some of the longer events have a suggested donation.

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