Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Am I inviting mindfulness into each moment, or indulging in mindless repetition of the forms of meditation practice, mistaking the form for the essence of it?"
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go, There You Are.

Texas Buddhist Association Jade Buddha Temple
6969 West Branch Dr.
Houston,  Texas   77072
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Mahayana Buddhist
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 281 498-1616
Fax 281 498-8133
Center's Description
We offer courses in meditation and yoga, and provide child care for those attending. In addition, we serve a delicious vegetarian lunch on Sundays and host numerous special events

We, the members of Jade Buddha Temple, invite you -- regardless of your background or religious affiliation -- to enter our community, learn more about Buddhism, and participate in our spiritual enrichment programs. We are always eager to welcome new members into our family.
Averages of independent reviewers (1)
Spiritual 5.00   Recommend 5.00
(1 = Weak ... 5 = Excellent)
Independent Comments
6/7/2004  Reviewed By: Richard Ellison
When I lived in Houston I used to attend the Sunday morning meditation and English dharma talks. Friendly, warm, inviting, non-sectarian. The main temple is beautiful, and the smaller meditation room was conducive to sitting. It helped me on my path.

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