Independent Meditation Center Guide

" zazen, tension and pressure must be kept in the lower part of the abdomen as much as possible, as this brings about both physical and mental stability."
Katsuki Sekida, Zen Training.

Great Vow Zen Monastery
P.O. Box 368
Clatskanie,  Oregon   97016
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 503-728-0654
Center's Description
We offer several ways for you to live and practice at the monastery. Group retreats are week-end or week-long events focused on special topics. These are led by guest instructors or senior monastery staff. Solitary retreats are intended for individuals in need of a few days in relative seclusion and reduced responsibilities to others. For those interested in longer stays and intensive Zen training, we offer residential or work-study programs. Practitioners interested in ordination are invited to inquire about ordination training.

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